Zaylu Reef's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.

poem to my master Date: Jun 13th @ 10:44am EDT
En la penumbra del deseo,
donde el poder se revela,
eres mi esclava, yo tu amo,
en este juego que nos cela.

Tus munecas atadas, suaves,
la seda acaricia tu piel,
y en el silencio de la noche,
eres mia, mi dulce laurel.

Tu cuerpo se arquea, suplica,
bajo mi toque firme y certero,
y en el dominio de este juego,
se desata el placer entero.

El latigo marca su rastro,
un susurro de piel y ardor,
y en cada orden que te impongo,
se enciende mas nuestro fervor.

Tus gemidos, musica oscura,
en la danza de poder y pasion,
somos amo y esclava unidos,
en este vinculo de devocion.
poem 2 Date: Jun 13th @ 10:42am EDT
In the darkness of the night,
your skin is my universe,
a map of sensations
where every sigh is a verse.

Your lips, secret red,
They draw fire on my skin,
and in every furtive touch,
We are two in a laurel.

The moon looks at us, jealous,
in the ecstasy of desire,
and in the dance of our bodies,
we get lost without detour.

A moan breaks the silence,
passion ignites,
and in the delivery of your body,
I find my redemption.
poem 1 Date: Jun 13th @ 10:41am EDT
Under the cover of night,
your skin against mine,
hidden flames are lit,
in an ardor of poetry.

Whispers that shake,
caresses that undress,
a coming and going of desires,
where time is stripped bare.

Your lips find mine,
in a game without end,
two bodies, one heartbeat,
in a carnal ecstasy.

In the rhythm of passion,
our souls merge,
in an eternal sigh,
where love calls us.
I'M BACK! Date: Jun 4th @ 6:37pm EDT
After a weekend break, I want to tell you that I attended a Geek event. It was wonderful!
You will find some photos of my dress in my biography
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